Outlaws at Dreamhack Dallas Recap


Dreamhack Dallas 2024 was an unforgettable experience! Our Fortnite team gave it their all this weekend, but fell short of qualifying for the Esports World Cup in Saudi Arabia later this summer. It was a joy to reconnect with familiar faces like Pelican, Happy, Shu, Danteh, Jake, and Junkbuck from our old Overwatch days. Watching them compete was a highlight, especially as Shu and the rest of Crazy Racoons faced off against Junkbuck’s Team Falcons to claim the first-ever OWCS Major trophy.

We were also thrilled to engage with many of you in attendance, capturing some incredible moments along the way. Head over to our YouTube channel to check out our VLOG-style content from the event. We’ve got plenty more exciting content coming your way in the weeks ahead, so stay tuned!